Our breeders

Who says family breeding, says few breeders.

Which does not affect the quality.

The lists!

Szoe of Black Amaretto
Born on 09/02/2021
Color: black pan white
Hips A/A
Willebrand :free
Dilution: free
PRA: free
S locus: sp/sp
Locus E: E/E
Pedigree :HERE

Ray of Amaretto Nero
Born on 05/07/2020
Brown color
Hips: A/A
Willebrand: free
PRA: healthy carrier
Pedigree: HERE

Our stallions:

Black Amaretto Ouralou

Birth: 25-12-2018
Contact: Alain Lanckmans (breeder)
Email: alanckmans@gmail.com
Owners: Bernadette Mengin


Hips: AA
Size: 55cm
Brown color
Von Willebrand free
Prcd-PRA: carrier
Locus: D/D
Locus; E/e
Pedigree: HERE

Tenby by Amaretto Nero
Born on 07/07/2022
Contact: Ludovic Gardinier
E-mail: ludovic.gardinier@gmail.com
Brown color
Hips: A/A
Willebrand: free
PRA: healthy carrier
D-locus; D/D
S-locus; S/sp
K-locus: KB/KB
Short legs/chondrodydplasia/CPDA: healthy
Complete scissor teeth.
Pedigree: HERE

Tycho by Amaretto Nero
Born on 07/07/2022
Brown colorwhite pan
Hips: A/A
Willebrand: free
PRA: healthy carrier
D-locus; D/D
S-locus; sp/sp
K-locus KB/ky
Short legs/chondrodydplasia/CPDA: healthy
Complete scissor teeth.
Pedigree: HERE

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